pCloudy, Mobile App Testing Platform

pCloudy is a Unified App Testing Platform for performing manual as well as automation testing on more than 500 mobile devices (smartphones & tablets) hosted on cloud. It provides hosts of other services like bot testing, in-field user experience testing.

Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

Set mock location for Testing of Geo-location based Mobile Apps

How many apps on your phone today has applications that need GPS as a tool to do the task that it needs to. Be it hailing a cab, ordering food, booking a movie or the indispensability of shopping online, more often than not, we use GPS bas…

Accelerated Mobile App Testing powered by pCloudy

When it comes to the more favorable app in the market, the true measure of a developer’s success is the app’s retention rate. An app has to have the right mix of touch, feel and design for the best user experience that represents your busi…

What's new with iOS 11 Beta ?

The last week of May saw Apple drop the first public beta of iOS 11 (iOS 11 beta), now available for download. Apple plans on releasing the final version later this fall, rumored to be rolled out alongside the new iPhone 8 rolled out along…

pCloudy Announces availability of iOS 11 (beta) Devices on Cloud

We are committed to keep you ahead of others: pCloudy is one of the fastest to release support of IOS 11 beta, as always Apple has just released the iOS 11 public beta for their upcoming iOS 11 release expected soon. With the iOS 11 beta v…

Integration of TestNG project with pCloudy platform

TestNG TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use. It is an open source automated testing framework; where NG of TestNG means Next Generation…

Memory Leaks & Memory Consumption by Mobile Applications

Mobile apps can often crash for many reasons. Nothing is as excruciating as memory leaks. It starts with your app crashing often, or becoming slow or maybe making your entire phone slow down, taking longer time to load activities. Memory l…

Testing the battery Drain for Android App

If you are anything like me, you’d agree that the armor of present day mobile phone technology has a few chinks on it. Nothing is worse than applications draining the battery resources of your mobile device faster than you can fill it back…

Test Your Apps in different Network Environments

Did You Know? Test Your Apps function differently in different Network Environments There might be a whole set of bugs you probably are marking as “Cannot Reproduce” simply because you are thinking “Hmmm… Funny, it seems to works here”. Th…

Why it is important to test your mobile app on different devices

The Technology involved in mobile devices is changing rapidly. Mobile phones have literally personalized the choices in our lives, experts forecast that the future devices will be the remote controls of our lives. The services or functions…

What’s in store for Dev and Testers with Android O release?

The development world bumped into a new surprise by announcement of developer release of latest Android version: Android O. The makers have made everyone curious about its christening, wondering which sweet it has been named after (Oreo, r…

App Testing during your Dev Cycle – Developer tool to access real devices on cloud

If recent past has been any indication, then it is a certainty there are growing expectations from Testers and Developers alike, to take quality head on, as a joint feature. More so in the Mobile App Testing projects where changes are requ…

Mobile Responsive Testing and Debugging on Real Devices

Introduction – Mobile Responsive Test Mobile Responsive Test across range of Mobile Devices and platforms is extremely important for superior User Experience. However, Mobile Responsive Test and debugging can get knotty, especially when th…

A sneak peek of our Device Data Center

Ever had apps on your phone which suddenly crashed it and you couldn’t figure it out? In today’s age, If you have a smartphone that needs to get you through most of the day, be it work or play, you must have experienced frustrating bugs on…

Automation Testing – Best Open Source tools for Mobile Apps

Why Mobile App Automation Testing? Testing of Mobile Apps in quite cumbersome because of sheer magnitude of testing required on variety of devices. Moreover, Mobile Apps require changes faster than other kind of Applications (Web or Deskto…

XCUITest for iOS apps and how to test with XCode

UI testing for iOS app is a way to validate & interact with the real UI of the app. This testing process will check if UI elements are designed and implemented the way it should be by interacting the UI elements by tapping, swiping, scroll…